These articles are about speculative mathematics that can help to use simple logic circuits to simulate real world processes in GPUs.

The first article described energy as constant. The Law Of Energy is equivalent to the Laws Of Pythagoras and Fermat. The second article described how our pictures in different ages placed next to each other describe the kinetic energy in time from an external point of view. Such an energy can be added to other invisible energies of magnetism, gravity, etc. making an invisible ma². The visible kinetic energy we have in our space is mb². Adding the two together must be constant as mc² for any piece of material. The third article described material as standing waves. The fourth article described waves as radiating fluctuations on top of material particles. The fifth article described our visible space as one having low energy fluctuations, so that it stays together in time.


Copyright© Miklos Szegedi, 2023.

This article is about stability. Imagine one of SpaceX’s rockets on Earth. If you fuel it a little, it will fall back. This may generate fluctuation in gravitation that spreads as a wave to nearby moons but not much further. Should you invest in a full load of fuel, it will gain an escape energy to leave the solar system. Should you invest in fuel somewhere in the middle, and you will get an orbiting energy to launch it as a satellite. This one leaves Earth, never comes back, but it does not get far either.

Energy that starts orbiting, but it disappears into an invisible system is peculiar. This is how you can imagine permanent magnets of iron or rare earth metals. The energy invested into an inductor magnetizes the atoms that keep the magnetic field that becomes part of the invisible system of the material atoms of the magnet.

Energy spreads in our system through many forces like magnetism, gravity, their waves, or kinetic collisions. If it is small enough, it remains mere resonation, heat, or colors in other words that spread across the likely solid material. If it is large enough it starts to orbit, builds molecules. If the energy is even larger, it becomes the energy that keeps fluids together. Should it be large enough, then atoms and molecules tear down from the rest of the material in any direction, and they become gas. Electrons may tear down in a similar way becoming conductors in metals, still staying as a part of the metal. If the energy invested in electrons is large enough, they cause lightning.

Such energy is still small compared to the kinetic energy in time. It is mere variance compared to the mean energy of particles of the same material. Our visible space stays together due to the almost same energy of particles in it. Looking from outside the system is like a coin flying to the right in time with a bit waving, spinning, or flipping, but not too much.

Once the side of the coin randomly gains enough energy it may tear down and become free from the original body. It may slow down or speed up in time, disappearing from our space. This is probably rare, since it requires so much energy, mc².

Events like the Big Bang act like an explosion with energy too large to keep the system together in time. Once the excess energy leaves, the rest of the material forms standing waves and runs in time until a collision happens, or a random event occurs, when an external energy wave reaches it.

Nuclear fission and fusion are reactions that are known to significantly reduce the mass of material meaning some energy including particles and standing waves disappear from our space. This orbiting energy might just be large enough to start fluctuating around visible material in invisible systems.







