This article is about a group, not even a generation anymore. People who excel in their profession oftentimes get good offers from companies across oceans.

The Jetstream is a new phenomenon. Travelling and living overseas was always special. What made it powerful is a set of goods and services that extend the economy.


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Digital goods are here to stay. As industries mature they tend to employ less people with a smaller part of the overall product. Prices drop constantly. Farming is done with machines on huge farms that are completely automated. Manufacturing is getting more and more robotised.

People oftentimes move on to new businesses providing services and digital products. Consultants, digital nomads, salespeople all work on the same thing. When current accounts get imbalanced they fill the gaps in the workforce.

Einstein, Kissinger, von Braun were all old age examples. The scale is probably a million-fold these days. Add up just the amount of foreign born engineers working for Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, NVidia, Microsoft, Salesforce, or SpaceX.

People from a country with strong uniform workforce can excel in management having access to an unlimited source of workforce that can understand each other building a team quickly. That explains the success of managers from Pakistan or India.

Countries that traditionally embrace seniority will excel in unique research mindset required by semiconductor manufacturing or deep neural networks. This can explain the success of scientists from China or Taiwan.

People from more diverse countries like the UK or EU can excel understanding different aspects explaining talent in economic analysis, financial markets, or individual customer psychology.

Obviously, as time passes you will find many of these professions in all countries mentioned. Countries will be more reluctant to release minds from their base of competitive edge whether it is a natural trait or a trained skillset. Geography gives an edge.

The internet and robotics will eliminate knowledge differences over time. There is fierce resistance at some locations. These are clear candidates of world trade routes like the Horn of Africa, or the Black Sea. Statistics shows how development and transparency reduces tensions in such troubled regions. Just look at the towers in Qatar or UAE near to quality media like Al Jazeera.

Someone described me the process as this. As people study for their PhD, they specialize in a small arc of a full circle. It is a lonely space, when you study enough, so you walk back to have a friendly group of people to discuss with. Walking back more, you can even make money.

The process is blocked across large countries. This explains the strength of US multinational companies, who can collect employees from far away regions and stream back the services and knowledge collected. Freedom of speech and a strong press industry is the key to such development that will imply a strong judicial branch. Courts protect individual rights deterring nation states and communities from picking up "judgemental" thinking. Most scientists do their work as an individual at that level.

This process was documented in the rules of the European Union. Should there be a pressure in risks of carrying out projects, currencies will fluctuate. Thus, a single currency implies that such imbalance in risks are resolved by the freedom of movement of people and services with expertise. Climate issues may also trigger migration. Such processes eliminate the differences in risks of projects. Unified risks will unify interest rates reducing the tensions of a common currency.

The Jetstream has one drawback. Add the products of agriculture, manufacturing, energy, services, and the Jetstream on top of each other. Each will build a market with growing circles of geographic regions respectively. Participants of three to four companies in circles can handle downturns and fluctuation.

Participants of the Jetstream economy of ten or more different areas of expertise will be very vulnerable to downturns. Returns of the Jetstream money are shifted from investment in time. This may cause losses, bankruptcy or even wars.

A Jetstream economy collects wealth concentrating shipping ports in North America embracing manufacturing in East Asia. Energy demand passes the monetary assets to the Middle East. Such money embraces arts, buildings, city planning, elsewhere. Startups growing on such an investment may not generate income for years. Multiplier effects of such businesses circle back the money into consumption and shipping ports in NAFTA.

Understanding such a complex Jetstream economy, and reducing its risks requires the collection of accurate data and honest business plans. Risks may pose a threat otherwise making it slower to build out the Jetstream industry.

The process is lucrative. The majority of asset holders will have incentives to print enough money to keep an economy stable in each country. Another 20-25% will insist on a strong and supportive essential infrastructure and healthcare sponsored by government services. A liberal mindset will add another 25-30% with the growth of tech startups like Reddit, infrastructure and manufacturing outlets like SpaceX, real-estate visions like the UAE, or Saudi Arabia, or efficiency centers like Uber. This is growth.

Problem. The more diverse the funding is the less hierarchical is the decision-making.

Solution. Indeed. Should anyone accept funding from a single source, a tree graph is built by design. It is equivalent to a hierarchy. Multiple sources of funding will give negotiation power to set the right interest rates reflecting the real risks of projects. Lower interest rates require distributed knowledge and intelligence. You cannot rely on the bureau anymore. An efficient elementary education is the key to healthy financial markets.

The source of such growth is knowledge, information and funding. People in the Jetstream are on the way to eliminate risks with knowledge and experience. This reduces the chances of usury. Information improves returns, and sparks growth.

However, any concentration and power grabbing imposes risks. Risks will probably be reduced as countries rich in oil get closer to NATO. Jetstream is not strictly Ivy League. It collaborates and competes with the elites.

This publication of Founders' Review started with a blog in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. The basic idea was that information has no value but the use of information creates value. This explains the name copy rights instead of information rights.

We elaborated the thinking in almost hundred documents since then to come up with a conclusion that elementary education, information sharing, legal open source standards are the source of the progress. Artificial intelligence and a moderate growth supports such assumptions.